I have a data set where I need to group the duplicate records and then see if any of the group has been flagged; if so, I need to indicate that it has been flagged in a new column.
Sample input; the "Concat" column is where I'm looking for duplicates:
Customer_Reference Auth_ID Concat Flag
C001 A1234 AAA TRUE
C003 A6149 BBB FALSE
C004 A5271 CCC FALSE
C005 A0124 BBB FALSE
The behaviour I'm looking for is that "AAA" is a duplicate where at least one of them has the Flag of "TRUE"; therefore, it should be marked as "TRUE" in the (to be added) column.
I've been able to mark the duplicate records, and the groupby function seems to chunk it up correctly, but I can't work out how to then apply an "If-Then" to each group to assign a value to the new column
An efficient approach would be to drop_duplicates
to only keep the rows with multiple occurrence of "Concat", then select those that have a True "Flag" with isin
keep = df.drop_duplicates('Concat').query('Flag')['Concat']
# ['AAA']
df['New'] = df['Concat'].isin(keep)
As a one-liner:
df['New'] = df['Concat'].isin(df.drop_duplicates('Concat')
Customer_Reference Auth_ID Concat Flag New
0 C001 A1234 AAA True True
1 C002 A758 AAA False True
2 C003 A6149 BBB False False
3 C004 A5271 CCC False False
4 C005 A0124 BBB False False
# df.drop_duplicates('Concat')
Customer_Reference Auth_ID Concat Flag New
0 C001 A1234 AAA True True
2 C003 A6149 BBB False False
3 C004 A5271 CCC False False
# df.drop_duplicates('Concat').query('Flag')
Customer_Reference Auth_ID Concat Flag New
0 C001 A1234 AAA True True
# df.drop_duplicates('Concat').query('Flag')['Concat']
Name: Concat, dtype: object