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0 length Iterable compatible with For Each loop in VBA

For me it looks truely unbelievable that in the VBA for Excel there is a For Each loop but I simply cannot create any kind of data that the loop iterates through 0 times (so the core of the loop is never executed).

Function GetChildren() As Variant()
  Dim children()
  GetChildren = children
End Function

For Each something In GetChildren()
  ' Do something
Next something

Is there anything that is

  • compatible with the For Each structure
  • there is no need to check (for errors, emptiness etc.) The client side should be simple
  • in exchange in the GetChildren I can put anything to fulfill

So I guess I'm looking for a data structure to return that I can loop through 0 times.

Thanks in advance


  • With the use of the Collection object there is 0 iteration.

    Function GetChildren() As Object
      Set childrens = New Collection
      Set GetChildren = childrens
    End Function
    Sub caller()
    For Each something In GetChildren
      Debug.Print TypeName(something)
    Next something
    End Sub