Search code examples

VLOOKUP Not looking (dependent on two cells in one sheet plus another in a different sheet)

We have this data set

Picture 1

The "SOW" column is a drop down

We also have the lookups in a different sheet


We want to be able to type a name in column A (that is already in Lookups), and then select a SOW type (cheese, bread, carrots etc.) and have the rate (the dollar amount in the lookups) pop up. Our vlookup isn't working, and we aren't sure why.


Please note it's matching the name, not ID or other stuff. I can't seem to attach the excel sheet :(

Tried vlookup different one, we want to avoid getpivotdata because there's going to be a ton of entries under a bunch of different names


  • You could try using the following formula:

    enter image description here

    =XLOOKUP(A2,Lookups!A:A,FILTER(Lookups!C:N,Data!E2&" 24"=Lookups!$C$1:$N$1))

    And here is the quick fix to your existing formula:

    =VLOOKUP(A2,Lookups!A:N,MATCH(Data!E2&" 24",Lookups!$1:$1,0),FALSE)

    Or You can use wildcard operator *


    Since OP says its not working as per their comments below for them here is another screenshot to validate the formula is working:

    enter image description here