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Add CSS Class to Sphinx Table Cell

Is there a way to add a CSS class to a Sphinx-generated HTML table? For example, I want to modify the following RST table definition:

| cell1 |
| cell2 |

To generate the following HTML (roughly):

        <tr><td class="someClass">cell2</td></tr>

The following RST adds the specified class to a new paragraph element within the cell (instead of on the cell itself):

| cell1                    |
| .. rst-class:: someClass |
| cell2                    |

Is there any way to modify the original RST source to generate the specified HTML table?


  • As of December 2023, all major desktop and mobile browsers support the CSS has selector. This enables applying the style to the paragraph element, then writing CSS such as:

    td:has(>.someClass) {
        /* Some style to apply to the td here */