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Shorter name for the class link in Sphinx

.. seealso::

   Class :class:``
      Explanation goes here

   `GNU tar manual, Basic Tar Format <http://link>`_
      Documentation for tar archive files, including GNU tar extensions.

That creates a proper link to the class Department.

enter image description here

How do I change the HTML output to have a just a single class name, without '' prefix?

so it reads Class Department in HTML?


  • There is the ~ (tilde) in standard cross-referencing syntax.

    If you prefix the content with ~, the link text will only be the last component of the target. For example,


    will refer to Queue.Queue.get but only display get as the link text. This does not work with all cross-reference roles, but is domain specific.

    There is also the directive .. currentmodule:: with some documentation and an example in another SO answer.