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sphinx docstrings and vscode

I have the following docstring:

def test(foo):
    """this is my function
    .. code-block:: python
        cool function
    now I should be outside the codeblock. 
    But I'm not?
    .. code-block:: python
        next function
    I'm still inside the original codeblock?

    :param foo: _description_
    :type foo: _type_

Which renders like this in VScode:

enter image description here

Am I writing the syntax incorrectly, or does VScode simply struggle with the rendering of sphinx format?


  • There are two ways to get the display right

    1. Add a level of indentation for code blocks

    def test(foo):
        """this is my function
            .. code-block:: python
            cool function
        now I should be outside the codeblock. 
        But I'm not?
            .. code-block:: python
            next function
        I'm still inside the original codeblock?
        :param foo: _description_
        :type foo: _type_

    enter image description here

    2. Remove one level of indentation for non-code blocks

    def test(foo):
        """this is my function
        .. code-block:: python
            cool function
    now I should be outside the codeblock. 
    But I'm not?
        .. code-block:: python
            next function
    I'm still inside the original codeblock?
        :param foo: _description_
        :type foo: _type_

    enter image description here

    I'm not sure if this is the correct syntax, or if it's a vscode error. If anyone thinks it's an error, you can report it on GitHub and share the link here.