Search code examples

Highlight occurrences 5 times and above

I would like my script to color the columns from B to F of the rows that have the same code appearing in column E. I have a code that was generated but there is a persistent bug.

The error message:

See line 13, column 22: Explicit Any is not allowed

See line 28, column 9: Office Scripts cannot infer the data type of this variable. Please declare a type for the variable.

Here is the script:

    async function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
      // Attempt to obtain the worksheet named "Feuil1"
      let sheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Feuil1");
      if (!sheet) {
        console.error("Worksheet 'Feuil1' not found.");

      // Attempt to obtain the column E range
      let columnE = sheet.getRange("E:E");

      // Explicitly declare columnEValues with a type
      let columnEValues: any[][];

      try {
        // Attempt to obtain the values of column E
        columnEValues = await columnE.getValues();
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to get values from column E:", error);

      // Initialize a dictionary to count occurrences of each code
      let codeCount: { [key: string]: number } = {};
      // Iterate over columnEValues to count each code's occurrences
      columnEValues.forEach((row) => {
        let code = row[0];
        if (code) {
          // Ensure code is treated as a string
          code = code.toString();
          // Increment the count for this code
          codeCount[code] = (codeCount[code] || 0) + 1;
      // Filter codes that appear 5 times or more
      let filteredCodes = Object.keys(codeCount).filter(code => codeCount[code] >= 5);
      // Apply conditional formatting for each filtered code
      filteredCodes.forEach((code) => {
        let rowsToFormat: number[] = [];
        columnEValues.forEach((value, index) => {
          if (value[0] === code) {
            // Adjust for zero-based index
            rowsToFormat.push(index + 1);
        // Format the ranges of B to F for the found rows
        rowsToFormat.forEach((rowIndex) => {
          let rangeToColor = sheet.getRange(`B${rowIndex}:F${rowIndex}`);

What can you suggest to debug it ?

Thank you for your help.


  • Option 1:

    • getUsedRange() returns the used range. It saves processing time of the code.
    • let columnEValues: any[][]; doesn't work. Explicit Any is not allowed.
    • Add a code line to clear the filling color on Col B:F

    Microsoft documentation:

    ExcelScript.Range interface getUsedRange(valuesOnly)

    async function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        // Attempt to obtain the worksheet named "Feuil1"
        let sheet = workbook.getWorksheet("Feuil1");
        if (!sheet) {
            console.log("Worksheet 'Feuil1' not found.");
        // Attempt to obtain the column E range
        let columnE = sheet.getRange("E:E").getUsedRange();
        // Explicitly declare columnEValues with a type
        let columnEValues: (String | Number | Boolean)[][];
        try {
            // Attempt to obtain the values of column E
            columnEValues = await columnE.getValues();
        } catch (log) {
            console.log("Failed to get values from column E:", log);
        // Initialize a dictionary to count occurrences of each code
        let codeCount: { [key: string]: number } = {};
        // Iterate over columnEValues to count each code's occurrences
        columnEValues.forEach((row) => {
            const code: string = row[0]?.toString() || '';
            codeCount[code] = (codeCount[code] || 0) + 1;
        // Filter codes that appear 5 times or more
        let filteredCodes = Object.keys(codeCount).filter(code => codeCount[code] >= 5);
        // Apply conditional formatting for each filtered code
        columnEValues.forEach((value, index) => {
            filteredCodes.forEach((code) => {
                if (value[0] === code) {
                    // Adjust for zero-based index
                    let rangeToColor = sheet.getRange(`B${index + 1}:F${index + 1}`);

    Option 2: conditional formatting

    • Less code than option 1.
    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        let sheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
        let usedRange = sheet.getUsedRange();
        let selectedRange = sheet.getRange("B:F").getIntersection(usedRange);
            let condFormat = selectedRange.addConditionalFormat(ExcelScript.ConditionalFormatType.custom);
            const cfFormual = `=COUNTIF($E:$E,$E1)>=5`;

    enter image description here