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Office Script-How to retrieve the “Author Name”, “Comment Content” from the “Comment” based relative column position

Need some help. Office Script - How to retrieve the “Author Name” , “Comment Content” from the “Comment” entered onto the cell of a particular column if I only know the position of the column number from the first column? I have a Excel Table with many columns (1 day 1 column). I knew the relative position of the current day from the first column (ie 85). (Since it is 1 day 1 column, I will know the relative column no by subtracting the first date in the Table).

Thank you in advance.

I found example script to retrieve the details from “Comment” as follows. But it needs a exact cell address like B2. Anyway to retrieve the details by using the column no & row number by iterate through the Table?

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {

    let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
    let range = selectedSheet.getUsedRange()

    let comment_by=workbook.getCommentByCell(selectedSheet.getRange("B2")).getAuthorName();
    let comment_date=workbook.getCommentByCell(selectedSheet.getRange("B2")).getCreationDate();
    let comment_content = workbook.getCommentByCell(selectedSheet.getRange("B2")).getContent();
    console.log("Name: " + comment_by  + " , Date: " + comment_date + " , Content: "+ comment_content);


    • getTables()[0] gets the first table (ListObject) on the active sheet
    • getCell(rowIndex, colIndex) get the cell in the table. Note: rowIndex and colIndex are zero-base index. eg. the first cell (top-left) is getCell(0,0).
    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
        let tabObj = selectedSheet.getTables()[0]; 
        const rowIndex = 1;  ' modify as needed, zero-base index
        const colIndex = 3;
        let cellRng = tabObj.getRange().getCell(rowIndex, colIndex);
        let cellCmt = workbook.getCommentByCell(cellRng)
        let comment_by = cellCmt.getAuthorName();
        let comment_date = cellCmt.getCreationDate();
        let comment_content = cellCmt.getContent();
        console.log("Name: " + comment_by + " , Date: " + comment_date + " , Content: " + comment_content);

    • Get the comments of each cell in the table
    function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
      let selectedSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
      let tabObj = selectedSheet.getTables()[0];
      const rowCnt = tabObj.getRowCount();
      const colCnt = tabObj.getHeaderRowRange().getCellCount();
      for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCnt+1; rowIndex++) {
        for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCnt; colIndex++) {
          let cellRng = tabObj.getRange().getCell(rowIndex, colIndex);
          try {
            let cellCmt = workbook.getCommentByCell(cellRng);
            let comment_by = cellCmt.getAuthorName();
            let comment_date = cellCmt.getCreationDate();
            let comment_content = cellCmt.getContent();
            console.log("Name: " + comment_by + " , Date: " + comment_date + " , Content: " + comment_content);
          } catch (error) {
            // no comments