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VBA storing an ArrayList in Dictionary

I need a dictionary that contain a key with a corresponding pair of dates. I created below code to illustrate what I'm doing now. So basically, I store the pair of dates in an ArrayList which I then add to my dictionary. Then I remove the items from the ArrayList so it can be used again to store the next pair of dates. When I want to use myDict on other parts of the code, the dictionary contains the key but it doesn't contain the corresponding pair with dates. I assume that has to do with passing by reference of ArrayList (?) and the Clear function that I apply.

How can I resolve this? I don't specifically need to use an ArrayList to store the pair of dates.

Function myDict() As Object

    Dim dict As Object, keyList As Object, arrListToDict As Object
    Dim keyListCount As Long, iLoop As Long
    Dim dateToday As Date, date1 As Date, date2 As Date
    Dim x As Long
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set keyList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set arrListToDict = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    keyList.Add ("Hey")
    keyList.Add ("Hello")
    keyListCount = keyList.Count
    dateToday = Date

    For iLoop = 0 To keyListCount - 1
        date1 = DateAdd("d", Int(20000 * Rnd), dateToday)
        date2 = DateAdd("d", Int(20000 * Rnd), dateToday)
        arrListToDict.Add (date1)
        arrListToDict.Add (date2)
        dict.Add key:=keyList(iLoop), Item:=arrListToDict
    Next iLoop
    Set myDict = dict

End Function

I googled but couldn't find a solution.


  • Nest Arraylists in Dictionary

    • For each dictionary key, create a new arraylist.
    Function myDict() As Object
        Dim keyList As Object:
        Set keyList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
        keyList.Add ("Hey")
        keyList.Add ("Hello")
        Dim dateToday As Date: dateToday = Date
        Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Dim arrList As Object, i As Long, date1 As Date, date2 As Date
        For i = 0 To keyList.Count - 1
            date1 = DateAdd("d", Int(20000 * Rnd), dateToday)
            date2 = DateAdd("d", Int(20000 * Rnd), dateToday)
            Set arrList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
            arrList.Add (date1)
            arrList.Add (date2)
            dict.Add Key:=keyList(i), Item:=arrList
            ' or:
            'Set dict(keyList(i)) = arrList
        Next i
        Set myDict = dict
    End Function
    Sub Test()
        Dim dict As Object: Set dict = myDict
        Dim Key As Variant, Item As Variant
        For Each Key In dict.Keys
            Debug.Print Key
            For Each Item In dict(Key)
                Debug.Print vbTab & Item
            Next Item
        Next Key
    End Sub