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Enforce a unique constraint on a business key in single table

I have this table created in SQL Server which defines a business operating in each state. Each business can be in multiple states.

  • Row_ID is the surrogate key and unique for each row in the table.
  • Business_ID is the unique value for each Business_name.
  • Business_ID and State_code define the relationship that business operates in each state, it's a one-to-many relationship.
Row_Id Business_ID Business_name State_code
1 101 Hair Salon CA
2 102 Nail Salon CA
3 103 Spa CA
4 101 Hair Salon TX
5 102 Nail Salon TX
6 104 Styling NY
-------- -------- -------- --------
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Dim_Business_Regions]
    [Row_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Business_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Business_Name] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
    [State_Code] CHAR(2)

I am trying to enforce a unique constraint on the combination of Business_ID and Business_name so that there is always one Business_ID for each Business_name.

Please see the data in the table.

  • If we insert a 7th row as (101, Hair Salon, NY) - this should be valid row, as 101 is assigned for Hair Salon.

  • If we insert a 7th row as (103, Hair Salon, NY) - this should be an invalid row and the INSERT should fail, as 103 is assigned for Spa and Hair Salon is 101

I couldn't break/Normalize this table into two different tables as there is lot of dependent code that has to be refactored.

Please suggest a solution to enforce this so that I can insert rows with the same Business_ID and same Business name with a different state but insert should fail when I try to insert the reuse the Business_ID with a different Business_Name.


    1. Create a new table that contains a normalized representation of the Business' data: dbo.Businesses.
    2. Add a composite UNIQUE constraint to dbo.Businesses, so a BusinessId + BusinessName tuple can be used as an FK into dbo.Businesses and to ensure dbo.Dim_Business_Regions doesn't contain any anomalous data in those columns.
    3. Copy DISTINCT data over (with or without SET IDENTITY_INSERT depending on if you want dbo.Businesses to use IDENTITY or a SEQUENCE - or some other value source).
    4. Wrap it in a TRANSACTION with XACT_ABORT ON, as you should.
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Businesses (
        BusinessId   int           NOT NULL /*IDENTITY*/,
        BusinessName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL,
        StateCode    char(2)       NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT PK_Businesses PRIMARY KEY ( BusinessId ),
        CONSTRAINT UK_BusinessIdName UNIQUE ( BusinessId, BusinessName )
    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Businesses ON;
    INSERT INTO dbo.Businesses ( BusinessId, BusinessName, StateCode )
    SELECT DISTINCT r.Business_ID, r.Business_Name, r.StateCode FROM dbo.Dim_Business_Regions AS r ORDER BY r.Business_ID;
    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Businesses OFF;
    ALTER TABLE dbo.Dim_Business_Regions
        ADD CONSTRAINT FK_BusinessIdName FOREIGN KEY ( Business_ID, Business_Name ) REFERENCES dbo.Businesses ( BusinessId, BusinessName ) ON UPDATE CASCADE;

    Some notes:

    • Having both PK_Businesses and UK_BusinessIdName is redundant, but I assume that you'll eventually fix the dbo.Dim_Business_Regions table (or convert it to a VIEW) in which case you'll only need to DROP CONSTRAINT UK_BusinessIdName while retaining the PK_Businesses (which avoids having to rebuild the clustering-index).

    • Note that I made BusinessName an nvarchar(100) column instead of varchar(100). Always store human-readable names in a Unicode-compatible way.

    • Consider making dbo.Businesses a temporal table - it's been a huge lifesaver overall.