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Is there any way to get lcid of current session in a function with schemabinding option?

I need to get lcid of current session in a function. In a general case, I can get @@LANGID and then match it with sys.syslanguages table. But not in the function or view compiled with schemabinding option. Are there any other ways to get lcid without a direct call to the syslanguages table?


  • I don't know that syslanguages has changed in decades, so you could just make your own user table for lookups.

    SELECT lcid, [langid] INTO dbo.LangMapping FROM sys.syslanguages;
    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX lm ON dbo.LangMapping(langid);

    Now you can create a schema-bound function:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetLCIDs(@langid int)
    RETURNS table
        SELECT lcid 
          FROM dbo.LangMapping 
         WHERE langid = COAELSCE(@langid, @@LANGID)

    (If you just want the current LCID, pass in null.)

    If you're worried about the data changing over time, you could set up a job to periodically repopulate the table.

    An alternative, as there are only 34 rows, you could easily hard-code them into their own function or view using a CASE expression (which you could also periodically rebuild if you're worried about lcid/langid mapping changing over time). You could build it using:

    SELECT CONCAT_WS( char(13)+char(10), 
           '  WHEN ', [langid], ' THEN ', lcid)
      FROM sys.syslanguages;

    Or if you want it to look really pretty, and include the language alias for self-documentation:

    SELECT CONCAT(N' WHEN ', RIGHT(CONCAT(space(2), [langid]), 2), 
      N' /* ', alias, SPACE(19-LEN(alias)), N' */ THEN ', lcid, 
      char(13), char(10))
    FROM sys.syslanguages;

    Then plug that into:

    CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION dbo.GetLCID(@langid int)
    RETURNS table
      RETURN (SELECT lcid = CASE COALESCE(@langid, @@LANGID)
        ... 34 whens ...


    CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION dbo.GetLCIDs(@langid int)
    RETURNS table
      RETURN (SELECT lcid = CASE COALESCE(@langid, @@LANGID)
     WHEN  0 /* English             */ THEN 1033
     WHEN  1 /* German              */ THEN 1031
     WHEN  2 /* French              */ THEN 1036
     WHEN  3 /* Japanese            */ THEN 1041
     WHEN  4 /* Danish              */ THEN 1030
     WHEN  5 /* Spanish             */ THEN 3082
     WHEN  6 /* Italian             */ THEN 1040
     WHEN  7 /* Dutch               */ THEN 1043
     WHEN  8 /* Norwegian           */ THEN 2068
     WHEN  9 /* Portuguese          */ THEN 2070
     WHEN 10 /* Finnish             */ THEN 1035
     WHEN 11 /* Swedish             */ THEN 1053
     WHEN 12 /* Czech               */ THEN 1029
     WHEN 13 /* Hungarian           */ THEN 1038
     WHEN 14 /* Polish              */ THEN 1045
     WHEN 15 /* Romanian            */ THEN 1048
     WHEN 16 /* Croatian            */ THEN 1050
     WHEN 17 /* Slovak              */ THEN 1051
     WHEN 18 /* Slovenian           */ THEN 1060
     WHEN 19 /* Greek               */ THEN 1032
     WHEN 20 /* Bulgarian           */ THEN 1026
     WHEN 21 /* Russian             */ THEN 1049
     WHEN 22 /* Turkish             */ THEN 1055
     WHEN 23 /* British English     */ THEN 2057
     WHEN 24 /* Estonian            */ THEN 1061
     WHEN 25 /* Latvian             */ THEN 1062
     WHEN 26 /* Lithuanian          */ THEN 1063
     WHEN 27 /* Brazilian           */ THEN 1046
     WHEN 28 /* Traditional Chinese */ THEN 1028
     WHEN 29 /* Korean              */ THEN 1042
     WHEN 30 /* Simplified Chinese  */ THEN 2052
     WHEN 31 /* Arabic              */ THEN 1025
     WHEN 32 /* Thai                */ THEN 1054
     WHEN 33 /* Bokmål              */ THEN 1044

    Some sample usage here: