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Connect python-polars to SQL server (no support currently)

How can I directly connect MS SQL Server to polars?

The documentation does not list any supported connections but recommends the use of pandas.


SQL Server Authentication works per answer, but Windows domain authentication is not working. see issue


  • The class below allows for easy connection to connectorx.

    import keyring
    from typing import Optional
    class KeyringSQL:
        def __init__(self,  username: str, server: str, database: str, server_type:  Optional[str]= 'mssql' ,driver: Optional[str] = 'SQL+Server', trusted_connection: Optional[bool] = False):
            self.server_type = server_type
            self.username = username
            self.server = server
            self.database = database
            self.driver = driver
            self.trusted_connection = trusted_connection
        def safe_to_expose_dict(self):
            return {'server_type': self.server_type, 'server': self.server, 'database': self.database, 'driver': self.driver}
        def full_table_path(self, tablename: str):
            if self.server_type == 'mssql':
                return f"[{self.database}].[dbo].[{tablename}]"
            return None
        def get_connection_uri(self) -> str:
            password = self._get_password() if not self.trusted_connection else ''
            append = '&trusted_connection=true' if self.trusted_connection else ''
            return f"{self.server_type}://{self.username}:{password}@{self.server}/{self.database}?driver={self.driver}{append}"
        def _get_password(self) -> str:
            password = keyring.get_password(self.server, self.username)
            if password is None:
                password = self._ask_password()
                keyring.set_password(self.server, self.username, password)
            return password
        def _ask_password(self) -> str:
            while True:
                password1 = input(f"Please set the password for {self.server}")
                password2 = input(f"Please confirm the password for {self.server}")
                if password1 == password2:
                    return password1
                print("Passwords did not match. Please try again.")