We have been using this code to send SMS messages from a Google Sheet, using Google Apps Script and Twilio API:
function sendSms(message) {
const number = "+44########";
var twilioAccountSID = "###############################";
var twilioAuthToken = "#################################";
var messages_url = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/" + twilioAccountSID + "/Messages.json";
var payload = {
"To": number,
"Body" : message,
"From" : "+44#########" //Twilio number
var options = {
"method" : "post",
"payload" : payload
options.headers = {
"Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(twilioAccountSID + ':' + twilioAuthToken)
UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);
We have started getting errors with code 30450, a possible solution Twilio offer is:
...you can use the optional RiskCheck parameter when creating a Message with the Programmable Messaging API. To prevent a known/legitimate message from getting blocked in future by SMS Pumping Protection, include the RiskCheck parameter with value disable when creating the new Message resource.
Does anyone know how I can add this RiskCheck parameter to my code?
I do not have a Twilio account to test it, but according to their documentation you need to add riskCheck
to your payload:
var payload = {
"To": number,
"Body" : message,
"From" : "+44#########",
"riskCheck": "disable"