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How to filter filter data after extracted data in Json form

I've extracted data but having problem to filter some data that I would like to get only. Below is the code:

// 7. for each itemid, extract the metrics required (the list of metrics in section 2) //
      outdata.forEach(function (outJson) {
        var temp = []
        for (var j = 0; j < head.length; j++) {
          temp.push((outJson[head[j]]) ? outJson[head[j]] : "" ) // ? : works like an if statement (condition ? value if true : value if false) //

            temp.pop() // remove the last empty column 
        // console.log(temp)

The condition that I want to filter is as below but not sure how to amend and incorporate into the above chunk to make it work:

temp= temp.filter(function (row) { return (row[24] ==1); })


  • I'm not sure to understand everything well. As far as I understand, you can simply replace

    temp = temp.filter(function (row) { return (row[24] ==1); })


    if(row[24] == 1) {
        // do stuff

    And, if your aim is to, for each outdata, get the item n°24 and if, and only if, it's 1, you can simplify your code as:

    // Map return an array of every 24th values
    // Filter return an array of only one => data[head[24]]).filter((data) => data == 1)
    // To get the number of one, you can then simply use