Search code examples

Dapper MultiQuery only returning the first match

I have a query to get a single document:-

SELECT      doc.Id
FROM        Documents as doc
LEFT JOIN   DocumentCollaborators as dc
    ON      doc.Id = dc.DocumentId
LEFT JOIN   DocumentLabels as dl
    ON      doc.Id = dl.DocumentId
LEFT JOIN   Labels as l
    ON      dl.LabelId = l.Id
WHERE       doc.Id =  @Id

I query this with Dapper as follows:

var documents = await connection.QueryAsync<DocumentDto, LabelDto, CollaboratorDto, DocumentDto>(
            (doc, label, collaborator) => {
                if (label.LabelId != Guid.Empty) // empty guid means no label
                if (collaborator.ProfileId != Guid.Empty) // empty guid means no collaborator
                return doc;
                Id = documentId.ToString()
            splitOn: "LabelId,DocumentId");

My DTOs are as follows:

public abstract class BaseDocumentDto
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public int Type { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string File { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
    public DateTime UpdatedAt { get; set; }

public class DocumentDto : BaseDocumentDto
    public IList<LabelDto> Labels { get; set; } = new List<LabelDto>();
    public IList<CollaboratorDto> Collaborators { get; set; } = new List<CollaboratorDto>();

public class LabelDto
    public Guid LabelId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
    public DateTime UpdatedAt { get; set; }

public class CollaboratorDto
    public Guid ProfileId { get; set; }
    public int Role { get; set; }

If I try and run this where the database has more than one record for either labels or collaborators then I only get the first one in the returned DocumentDTO.

What am I doing wrong?

UPDATE Here is some example data I get back

Id Type Name Description File CreatedAt UpdatedAt LabelId Name Description DocumentId ProfileId Role
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 023b5c62-0f4d-4937-a7b7-4699b74c1380 Test Label for debugging 001 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 16c20d76-53dc-460f-918a-1d8fedf0e4bb 1
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 023b5c62-0f4d-4937-a7b7-4699b74c1380 Test Label for debugging 001 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 925b6d87-3113-42f7-924a-6da0b8495b44 2
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 8500eeae-0f27-44ba-97c1-7f2b03f0e273 Test Label for debugging 002 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 16c20d76-53dc-460f-918a-1d8fedf0e4bb 1
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 8500eeae-0f27-44ba-97c1-7f2b03f0e273 Test Label for debugging 002 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 925b6d87-3113-42f7-924a-6da0b8495b44 2
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 a51eab3d-c23e-4cf0-81a8-4d958069d73f Test Label for debugging 003 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 16c20d76-53dc-460f-918a-1d8fedf0e4bb 1
c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 1 Test Document for debugging This document is used for debugging purposes 2021-07-01 00:00:00 2021-07-01 00:00:00 a51eab3d-c23e-4cf0-81a8-4d958069d73f Test Label for debugging 003 This label is used for debugging purposes c255293f-2461-4013-a2a5-ee8827927db5 925b6d87-3113-42f7-924a-6da0b8495b44 2

When I debug the map function I see that it gets called for each row. The doc, label, and collaborator objects have their properties mapped properly. However, even though when the function returns the doc has been updated when the map function gets called again the doc object has none of the updates from previous calls.


  • So in the end I worked it out. I did the following based on

    var documents = await connection.QueryAsync<DocumentDto, LabelDto, CollaboratorDto, DocumentDto>(
                (doc, label, collaborator) => {
                    if (label is not null && label.LabelId != Guid.Empty) // empty guid means no label
                    if (collaborator.ProfileId != Guid.Empty) // empty guid means no collaborator
                    return doc;
                    Id = documentId.ToString()
                splitOn: "LabelId,DocumentId");
            var result = documents
                .GroupBy(d => d.Id)
                .Select(g =>
                var groupedDocument = g.First();
                groupedDocument.Labels = g.Select(d => d.Labels.Single())
                    .GroupBy(l => l.LabelId)
                    .Select(l=> l.First())
                groupedDocument.Collaborators = g.Select(d => d.Collaborators.Single())
                    .GroupBy(c => c.ProfileId)
                    .Select(c => c.First())
                return groupedDocument;

    I am not in love with the catalogue of LINQ, but it does exactly what I need.