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Dynamic sql to retrieve volume count throwing incorrect syntax error

I am getting incorrect syntax error at 'and Type=0 in the below dynamic sql. What I am trying to achieve is get the volume count of import activities between certain dates where the import id does not contain some companyId. I think I might be missing opening/closing quotes but not sure. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

alter proc getVolumeCount
(@DatabaseName varchar(100),
@CompanyId as varchar(100),
@FromDate as varchar(100),
@ToDate as varchar(100)
declare @SQL nvarchar(max)

set @SQL = 'use '+@DatabaseName+ '
select * from @Database.[dbo].[History]
where 1=1
and Cast(DateX as Date) between '+@FromDate+' and '+@ToDate
'and Type=0 --this is where I am getting incorrect syntax error
and Flags=3
and Id not in 
        (select ImportId from Item where CompanyId in
        (Select CAST(Item as int) from dbo.fn_SplitString('+@CompanyId+','',''))

exec sp_executesql @SQL



  • ALTER PROCEDURE getVolumeCount
        @DatabaseName VARCHAR(100),
        @CompanyId VARCHAR(100),
        @FromDate DATE,
        @ToDate DATE
        SET @SQL = '
        SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + '.[dbo].[History]
        WHERE 1=1
        AND CAST(DateX AS DATE) BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
        AND Type = 0
        AND Flags = 3
        AND Id NOT IN 
            SELECT ImportId FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) + '.[dbo].[Item] 
            WHERE CompanyId IN 
                SELECT CAST(Item AS INT) FROM dbo.fn_SplitString(@CompanyId, '','')
        PRINT @SQL  
        EXEC sp_executesql @SQL,
            N'@CompanyId VARCHAR(100),
              @FromDate DATE,
              @ToDate DATE',
            @CompanyId = @CompanyId,
            @FromDate = @FromDate,
            @ToDate = @ToDate;

    Used QUOTENAME(@DatabaseName) to prevent SQL injection and syntax issues.

    @FromDate and @ToDate and @CompanyId should be passed as parameters to sp_executesql.

    Consider using STRING_SPLIT or even a Table Valued Parameter for @CompanyId, and consider changing the column type of DateX to the correct DATE data type in the first place.