I have a table with a column of FLOAT data type. Based on this table, I create a view which returns AVG of that column.
create table my_tab (oo float);
create or replace view my_view (oo) as select avg(oo) from my_tab;
describing the view
desc my_view;
will return
Name Null? Type
If this an Oracle bug? Can I force somehow to maintain the source data type?
Thank you,
It is not necessarily a bug as it tries to be more precise using Number.
In the documentation it says :
A subtype of the NUMBER data type having precision p. A FLOAT value is represented internally as NUMBER.
Few other supporting docs.
You can still cast it to float as below :
create or replace view my_view (oo) as
select cast(avg(oo) as float) from my_tab;