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Transform a string result table from rows to columns

How could I transform a table that looks like this:

colname entity
topic01 T_pitch
topic01 T_someg
topic02 T_gold
topic02 sp_gpdf
topic02 T_someg
topic03 sp_gpdf2

to this

topic01 topic02 topic03
T_pitch T_gold sp_gpdf2
T_someg sp_gpdf


I tried pivoting it, but PIVOT tables are designed to aggregate the results. Using

max(entity) for colname in ('+ @columns +') 

only results in one entity shown under each topic.


  • If you number the rows with ROW_NUMBER(), PIVOT is an option. The important part here is how do you expect to order the rows.

    Sample data:

    SELECT *
    INTO Data
       ('topic01', 'T_pitch'),
       ('topic01', 'T_someg'),
       ('topic02', 'T_gold'),
       ('topic02', 'sp_gpdf'),
       ('topic02', 'T_someg'),
       ('topic03', 'sp_gpdf2')
    ) v (colname, entity)  

    Statement for static PIVOT:

    SELECT [topic01], [topic02], [topic03]
    FROM (  
       SELECT colname, entity, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY colname ORDER BY entity) AS rn
       FROM Data
    ) t
    PIVOT (
       MAX(entity) FOR colname IN ([topic01], [topic02], [topic03])
    ) p 


    topic01 topic02 topic03
    T_pitch sp_gpdf sp_gpdf2
    T_someg T_gold null
    null T_someg null