i wrote a form with some php loop to insert array and numbers
a form inside a table with tr td to get fixed width
php array within form, then for loops with html tr td
at the end of the form, <input>
<form method='post'>
for($k=0; $k<=7; $k++){
<tr><td><?php echo $row[$k]; ?></td>
<td><input name='<?php echo $row[$k]; ?>' type='text'>
<?php if($k==2){ ?>
<td>Number of Columns</td>
<td><select onchange='nColumns()'>
<?php for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++){ ?>
<option id='<?php echo $i; ?>'><?php echo $i; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
</select></td></tr><?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<input name='submit' type='submit'></input>
but the input is displayed first before php loops. why? and how do i make the submit button to be at the bottom?
You are facing this issue because your submit button is outside the table structure, specifically outside the <tr>
and <td>
Try the below code:
<form method='post'>
//Your code
<input name='submit' type='submit'></input>