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Twilio - Call Recording Http authentication - not getting redirect url

I enabled HTTP Basic Authentication on my Twilio account under Voice->Settings->General

Then created a voice recording and was able to download it using my account SID & Auth Token

curl -X GET "" \
-u ACxxx:xxx

I need to be able to access the recording from a web client, without exposing my Twilio Auth Token to the public. According to Twilio docs, I should get a redirect Url, when fetching the recording, but in my above curl example I don't.

Requests to fetch your media will redirect you to a secure URL that is only valid for 4 hours.

I get the same result (recording is downloaded) if I use Authorization header

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Basic xxx"

Any ideas, why I am not getting redirect Url mentioned in Twilio docs?


  • I opened a ticket with twilio support and they acknowledged there is no support for redirect urls with temporary tokens, for recordings.

    They recommended to use Auth tokens, but as I mentioned in the description, this is something I am not willing to do (expose auth tokens to UI)