I am very new to VB.net. I understand that I need to add the Twilio and RestSharp packages to my project via NuGet. After some strange behavior where the libraries disappear and reappear (like show up after a pc-reboot or restart of VS). Once found under the Browse tab pf the pckage manager, I ask to install them a number of packages are missing and despite some six hours of looking I cannot find a way to get those. The missing libraries include
I even found the fourth one in the Microsoft\SDK folder and tried to manually install it but VS says it refuses to look there due to "transitive" nature of the project.
Any help will be appreciated.
I found two ways to do this.
install-package ["full path to the nupkg incl dbl quotes"]
. This took about 2.5 hours to register ~30 libraries. All of this caused by the refusal of the VS to look at the folder you give it in the install-package
command.Some of the libraries were already in the local SDK folder but, again, because VS refused to look there, they had to be manually copied to the top folder which the "source" entry had C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\
but VS did not want to look any deeper than the top level.
Many of the other packages had to be individually downloaded from nuget.org, and copied to the source folder.
One must also pay attention to the version that the missing package is needed in the error message.
Obviously, both of these are idiot-level "solutions" but it beat going beyond nine hours wasted over two days to install a package. If the instructions above are not clear please post a comment and I'll do my best to clarify as to what I did.