Search code examples

How to match rows on only dates (not datetime), and on multiple values?

I have a google sheet called Transactions in which I keep track of:

  • stock buys, sells, and received dividends
  • interest payments on cash acccounts

Dividend payments are marked in column C as Div, interest payments as Int:

       |         A           |    B   |    C    |    D   |
    1  | Date                | Ticker |  Action | Amount |
    2  | 15.11.2023 23:00:12 | MSFT   |  Buy    | 600    |
    3  | 16.11.2023 00:00:00 | ABR    |  Div    | 2.40   |
    4  | 17.11.2023 06:22:32 | ABR    |  Buy    | 60.50  |
    5  | 17.11.2023 14:00:00 | ORCL   |  Div    | 3.12   |
    6  | 17.11.2023 16:00:00 | CWSC   |  Div    | 0.88   |
    7  | 17.11.2023 00:00:00 | UBS    |  Int    | 23.50  |
    8  | 20.11.2023 17:47:21 | ING    |  Int    | 7.80   |
    9  | 20.11.2023 18:00:00 | KO     |  Sell   | 110.14 |
    10 | 21.11.2023 22:54:11 | PEP    |  Div    | 6.51   |

On another sheet called Income I want to see how much dividends and interest (Div + Int) I received per day, for instance for 17.11.2023. The expected sum here should be (3.12 + 0.88 + 23.50) 27.50:


This formula does not return what I need, for two reasons:

  • It only selects Div rows. My question is: how can I make it select also the Int rows?
  • It returns 0 rows always because I am trying to match a date (17.11.2023) with a datetime (for example 17.11.23 06:22:32). How can I select only the date part of the values in column A?


Eventually, I would run this formula in a calendar for every day of the year, like this:

enter image description here


  • You may try (works ONLY if its a valid datetime in Column_A):

    =arrayformula(sumifs(Transactions!D:D, regexmatch(Transactions!C:C,"Div|Int"),true, int(Transactions!A:A),date(2023,11,17)))