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Custom Menus Google Apps Script

I have 3 custom menus that trigger when we open the spreadsheet

Problem is the order keeps changing each time I open the Spreadsheet

I would like it to appear in the exact same order each time - like File, edit, view etc

function MailMergeMENU() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu("MAIL MERGE")
.addItem("1.Star Track Import(MailMerge)","PrepareMailMerge")
.addItem("2.Send D2D SENT/Save File","D2DSENT")



  • Maybe you should try in this way:

    function onOpen(){
    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var menuList= [
        {name: "1.Star Track Import(MailMerge)", functionName: "PrepareMailMerge"}, 
        {name: "2.Send D2D SENT/Save File", functionName: "D2DSENT"}
    var menuList2= [
        {name: "My menu name", functionName: "myFunction1"}, 
        {name: "2My menu name2", functionName: "myFunction2"}
    ss.addMenu("MAIL MERGE", menuList);
    ss.addMenu("CLEAR FORM", menuList2);

    I have used this and my menu stays the same all the time.