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How to pivot a table of unique strings by Type column (stagger strings by Type)

I have a table that has Date, Type, and Item columns. Each string in the Item column is unique. I need to pivot this table so that each Item is sorted into a respective Type column.

An illustration

I googled both Pivot Table function, and QUERY formula, both do not work with strings reliably. But maybe I simply cannot see a proper way.

Date Type Item
1 Jan 2020 writing pencil
1 Jan 2020 tool hammer
2 Jan 2020 clothes shoes
2 Jan 2020 writing pen
3 Jan 2020 clothes shirt
3 Jan 2020 clothes trousers

I want to turn it into this:

- Clothes Tool Writing
1 Jan 2020 hammer
1 Jan 2020 pencil
2 Jan 2020 shoes
2 Jan 2020 pen
3 Jan 2020 shirt
3 Jan 2020 trousers


  • An approach using QUERY:

    =arrayformula(query({row(A:A),A:C},"select Col2,max(Col4) where Col2 is not null group by Col1,Col2 pivot Col3",1))

    Pivot/group by in query always requires some form of aggregation to work; you can use min or max with strings and a column of unique values (derived in this instance from the row function as your data does not contain a uniquely-valued column) to obtain the desired result.