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How auto fill the signature on the docusign document when generate document via java code

I am trying to generate the pdf file and upload to Docusign. Then send it to the user for get confirmation from them
My issue is:
I have sent documents to a lot of users, each document needed two signs from the user and me.
And I will last sign after user was signed thier document.
So I need sign many documents. I don't wants do that. I hope the Docusign will auto sign for me, after each user done.

How can I do it via java code, when I'm generating the document.
Please help me, thanks.


  • Not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you mean that you want to use API to sign a document.

    This cannot be done. Signing has to be done by a human, showing intent to agree to a contract/agreement. This is an important aspect of signing - that's it done by humans, and not machines. If a machine can sign on my behalf, how do you know that I really knew what I was signing?

    If that's the reequipments of your project, you can use UI automation technologies like Selenium or Playwright to automation the UI of the signing.

    Now, if you meant something else, that you want to set the signature for a user, not on a specific document, but the way John Doe signs in general, so that when Jane Doe gets a request to sign - The system already knows how Jane Doe signs her contract. This can be done via API, if that's what you meant, but this is different.