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How to use custom class annotation in testng listener java

I created a method level java custom annotation like below

public @interface Test {

    public String id() default "0";

Test Class:

public class test {

    @Test(id = "231")
    public void test_section(){

i was able to use the value of id using below code line


Now i want to create a class level custom java annotation as below

public @interface section {

    public String Name() default "0";   

and use the same annotation in my test class and get the value of Name in the testng listener ITestListener onTestStart method as i am using testng to execute the test case, below is the test class

public class testcustom {

    public void test_section(){

I am unable to get the value of section, How to get the value of name in section annotation used on class level?


  • Just looking at the API, something like

    void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {
      section annotation = result.getTestClass().getRealClass().getAnnotation(section.class);
      if (annotation != null) {
        // do something with annotation.Name()

    should work (note that Java naming conventions mean it should be Section and name() instead).