Let's say I have the following JSON values.
"fieldName1": 5,
"value1": "Hello"
"fieldName2": 7,
"value1": "Welcome"
I have the following type in Haskell.
data Greeting
= Greeting
count :: Int,
name :: Text
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
How do I parse this JSON into Haskell where fieldName1
or fieldName2
values should be parsed as count
I tried to solve this by doing something like shown below.
instance FromJSON Greeting where
parseJSON = withObject "Greeting" $ \obj -> do
count1 <- obj .:? "fieldName1"
count2 <- obj .:? "fieldName2"
name <- obj .: "value1"
count <-
case (count1, count2) of
(Just count, Nothing) -> return count
(Nothing, Just count) -> return count
_ -> fail $ Text.unpack "Field missing"
return Greeting {count = count, name = name}
It works but is very cumbersome and if there are more than 2 alternative values, it becomes a lot more complex. Is there any way to solve this in a simpler way?
The Parser
monad where parseJSON
runs is itself an Alternative
, so you can use the alternation (<|>)
operator within the parser definition:
instance FromJSON Greeting where
parseJSON = withObject "Greeting" $ \o -> do
Greeting <$> (o .: "fieldName1" <|> o .: "fieldName2"
<|> fail "no count field")
<*> o .: "value1"
If multiple "count" fields are present, this will take the first one that parses.
If you want to process field names more programmatically (for example, if you want to accept a single field whose name starts with the prefix "field"
while rejecting cases with multiple matching fields), then note that o
is a KeyMap
that can be processed with the functions in the Data.Aeson.KeyMap
and Data.Aeson.Key
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
instance FromJSON Greeting where
parseJSON = withObject "Greeting" $ \o -> do
-- get all values for "field*" keys
let fields = [v | (k, v) <- KeyMap.toList o
, "field" `isPrefixOf` Key.toString k]
case fields of
[v] -> Greeting <$> parseJSON v <*> o .: "value1"
[] -> fail "no \"field*\" fields"
_ -> fail "multiple \"field*\" fields"