I am trying to a create a product using the Printful api and python. I was able to create a product on there website (a basic) hoodie, and I wanted to try and create the same hoddie using python.
Here is the documentation I am using: https://developers.printful.com/docs/#operation/createSyncProduct
I keep getting this error which is very generalistic:
"code": 400,
"result": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs.",
"error": {
"reason": "BadRequest",
"message": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs."
here is the code I am trying for testing:
import requests
import json
my_key = "my_token"
headers = {
"Authorization" : "Bearer "+my_key
data = {
"id": 302079884,
"external_id": "8136758395169",
"name": "Unisex Hoodie",
# "variants": 6,
"thumbnail_url": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0713/4275/2033/products/unisex-premium-hoodie-black-front-64079acdc1ff0_grande.jpg?v=1678219998",
"is_ignored": False
data = json.dumps(data)
products = requests.post("https://api.printful.com/store/products",headers=headers,data=data)
I am not sure how to test this code because the response is very generalistic.
I was able to test my token to make sure it works by trying to get the product I made on the website:
import requests
import json
my_key = "my_token"
headers = {
"Authorization" : "Bearer "+my_key
products = requests.get("https://api.printful.com/sync/products",headers=headers)
and I got the response:
"code": 200,
"result": [
"id": 302079884,
"external_id": "8136758395169",
"name": "Unisex Hoodie",
"variants": 6,
"synced": 6,
"thumbnail_url": "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0713/4275/2033/products/unisex-premium-hoodie-black-front-64079acdc1ff0_grande.jpg?v=1678219998",
"is_ignored": false
"extra": [],
"paging": {
"total": 1,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20
So I know I am hitting the api correctly. If anyone has any suggestions on how to create a basic product using the printful api, that would be awesome.
EDIT: I also tried what @Driftr95 mentioned regarding wrapping the data around "sync_product" but that still didn't work. Here is the new data variable now:
data = {
"sync_product": {
"name": "API product Bella",
"thumbnail": "https://imagemagick.org/image/wizard.jpg"
"sync_variants": [
"retail_price": "21.00",
"variant_id": 44666144522529,
"files": [
"url": "https://imagemagick.org/image/wizard.jpg"
"type": "back",
"url": "https://imagemagick.org/image/wizard.jpg"
but I still get:
"code": 400,
"result": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs.",
"error": {
"reason": "BadRequest",
"message": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs."
That response is so vague it is very hard to tell what is wrong with the post data I am trying to send.
I figure out the answer on my own. For those running across this issue in the future I figured it would be best to show the code.
First out the issue here:
{ "code": 400, "result": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs.", "error": { "reason": "BadRequest", "message": "This API endpoint applies only to Printful stores based on the Manual Order / API platform. Find out more at Printful API docs." } }
Is because I was using an API token/key that was directly for shopify. When you create an API key/token for printful, it will ask you what store you want it to apply to. Since I ONLY had a test shopify store at the time, I decided to use that token, but the endpoint I was using doesn't allow you to create products directly from printful into shopify or your ecommerce store. So I created a test store with printful only and used an API key/token that worked for that directly.
I then ran across another issue because I didn't specifiy colors of the hoodie I was trying to create. So I decided to try a mockup which I assume is the most basic thing you can make.
Here is what fixed the code. Try this sample data and this should work:
data = {
"sync_product": {
"name": "Test Product",
"sync_variants": [
"external_id": "44666144522529",
"variant_id": 10779,
"retail_price": "31.00",
"sku": "7563051_10779",
"files": [
"type": "mockup",
"url": None,
from here you can slowly tweak what you need based off the products you can use in printful's catalog.