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Delete expired data in table (Kotlin)

I have a table in Spring application, that I need to delete expired info after a certain period of time in background. There is a code:

class HistoryService constructor(
private val historyRepository: HistoryRepository,  {
    companion object {
        fun deleteHistory() {

Starter class

class Starter {

  fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val taskService = TaskService
    val ses = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10)
    }, 0, 10000, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

I am not sure that is this a corect way, because in this case there is no transaction annotation in method and in debug I noticed that the application execute this method only one time. How should I change the code to have a service method that will work with database in background?


  • Your function shouldn't be called main (it's confusing as it looks like the top level main method, but it's within a class which is a Java way of defining main, not a Kotlin way), nor should it have parameters as it's not called from anything other than Spring's scheduling code.

    So just have a function inside your configuration class, and annotate it with @Scheduled e.g.

    class Starter  {
       @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000){
       fun doIt() {