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How to Access a Request-Scoped Bean in a Spring Exception Handler?

I need to log trace information using a Tracer bean, which is request-scoped, in both my REST method and exception handler. The Tracer bean is consumed in the REST method to log the trace information at the start of processing the request, and I want to use the same trace message in the exception handler when an exception occurs.

However, I'm facing difficulties accessing the request-scoped Tracer bean in my exception handler. I have tried both rest controller @ExceptionHhandler annotation in the REST controller and @ControllerAdvice, but neither seams to support access to a scope bean.

Here's my setup:

public class MyController {

    Tracer tracer(){
        return new Tracer();
    @GetMapping(path = "list")
    public String list(Tracer trace){
        return  trace.getCorrelationId();

    @GetMapping(path = "throw")
    public String throwEx(Tracer trace,HttpServletRequest req){
         throw new RuntimeException("Ops");

    ResponseEntity<String> defaultExceptionHandler(Tracer tracer, HttpServletRequest req, Exception ex) {
        return ResponseEntity
                .body("ERROR: " + tracer.getCorrelationId());


The tracer (for completeness):

public class Tracer {
    private final String requestId;
    private final String correlationId;

    public Tracer() {
        requestId = null;
        correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    public Tracer(String requestId, String correlationId) {
        this.requestId = requestId;
        this.correlationId = correlationId;

Here the test:

class MyControllerTest {
    protected MockMvc mockMvc;

    void testExceptionHandler() throws Exception {

And here is the problem:

Could not resolve parameter [0] in org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.String> com.baeldung.scopes.MyController.defaultExceptionHandler(com.baeldung.scopes.Tracer,jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,java.lang.Exception): No suitable resolver

It seems that I cannot directly inject the Tracer bean into the exception handler method.

I'm I missing something here? Is there another approach to do this problem?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  • UPDATE: Most correct way is this

    Maybe "dirty", but at least it works:

    public class YourException extends RuntimeException {
      private final Tracer tracer;
      //Your constructors
    @GetMapping(path = "throw")
    public String throwEx(Tracer trace,HttpServletRequest req){
      throw new YourException("Ops", tracer);  -- pass your tracer to the constructor
    ResponseEntity<String> defaultExceptionHandler(HttpServletRequest req, YourException ex) {
      return ResponseEntity
            .body("ERROR: " + ex.getTracer().getCorrelationId());

    Other solution is ThreadLocal (spring web-mvc uses thread-per-request model)

    public class TracerInfo {
      private static final ThreadLocal<Tracer> TRACER = new ThreadLocal<>();
      public static void set(Tracer tracer) {
      public static Tracer get() {
        return TRACER.get();
    @GetMapping(path = "throw")
    public String throwEx(Tracer trace,HttpServletRequest req) {
      throw new YourException("Ops");
    ResponseEntity<String> defaultExceptionHandler(HttpServletRequest req, Exception ex) {
      return ResponseEntity
            .body("ERROR: " + TracerInfo.get().getCorrelationId());

    Ps: fix compile error if any since I do not have IDE right now