The K&R and Microsoft grammars for C indicate this simple struct:
struct { int a ; } ;
matches a declaration
while parsing like this:
declarationSpecifier ';'
typeSpecifier ';'
structOrUnionSpecifier ';'
structOrUnion '{' structDeclarationList '};'
'struct {' structDeclaration '};'
'struct {' specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ';};'
'struct {' typeSpecifier structDeclarator ';};'
'struct { int' declarator ';};'
'struct { int' directDeclarator ';};'
'struct { int' identifier ';};'
'struct { int a ;};'
and is therefore legal. But if we nest it inside another struct like
struct { struct { int a ; } ; } ;
the parsing becomes:
declarationSpecifier ';'
typeSpecifier ';'
structOrUnionSpecifier ';'
structOrUnion '{' structDeclarationList '};'
'struct {' structDeclaration '};'
'struct {' specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ';};'
'struct {' typeSpecifier structDeclarator ';};'
'struct {' structOrUnionSpecifier declarator ';};'
'struct {' structOrUnion '{' structDeclarationList '}' directDeclarator ';};'
'struct { struct {' structDeclaration '}' identifier ';};'
which at this point is forcing an identifier
where we don't want one as in struct{struct{int a;}b;};
yet if we ignore that rule and leave out the b
then struct{struct{int a;};};
will still compile with no problem.
How and why is struct{struct{int a;};};
compilable when the grammar indicates an additional identifier
is required? Have I misinterpreted the grammar or is the actual grammar not what I think it is?
"Unparsing" the desired struct{struct{int a;};};
from the desired bottom up gives:
'struct { struct { int a ;};};'
'struct { struct { int' identifier ';};};'
'struct { struct { int' directDeclarator ';};};'
'struct { struct { int' declarator ';};};'
'struct { struct {' typeSpecifier structDeclarator ';};};'
'struct { struct {' specifierQualifierList structDeclaratorList ';};};'
'struct { struct {' structDeclaration '};};'
'struct {' structOrUnion '{' structDeclarationList '};};'
'struct {' structOrUnionSpecifier ';};'
'struct {' typeSpecifier ';};'
'struct {' declarationSpecifier ';};'
'struct {' declaration '};'
but we're stuck again because a struct{
must be followed by a structDeclaration
not a declaration
How does C's grammar allow this unnamed nested struct?
The K&R C grammar does not allow this unnamed, anonymous nested structure.
This has changed in C11.
How and why is struct{struct{int a;};}; compilable when the grammar indicates an additional identifier is required?
But, why not? Compilers have extensions. Technically, the C standard specifies what should happen with valid programs. The behavior of compilers is loose when compiling an invalid program (i.e. undefined behavior).
Have I misinterpreted the grammar
No, it does't look like it.
or is the actual grammar not what I think it is?
I compare with "3.5 DECLARATIONS". It looks like your interpretation is fine.
The whole point of the question is how unnamed nested structs are compiling
It's an extension in MSVC that allows for unnamed anonymous structures. . It is quite confusing.