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How to set position or linear movement for any object and and add objects with free fall?

I would like to simulate system like "vibrating table" with linear displacement.

I studied several examples from tutorials:

  1. According to tutorial "Authoring a Multibody Simulation" I was able to get a simulation of a given number of objects free falling onto a table from different heights like this:
table_sdf = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sdf version="1.7">
  <model name="table_top">
    <link name="table_link">
      <visual name="visual">
        <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
            <size>0.55 1.1 0.05</size>
         <diffuse>0.9 0.8 0.7 1.0</diffuse>
      <collision name="collision">
        <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
            <size>0.55 1.1 0.05</size>
    <frame name="table_center">
      <pose relative_to="table_link">0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
def create_scene(sim_time_step):

    builder = DiagramBuilder()
    plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(
        builder, time_step=sim_time_step)
    parser = Parser(plant)

    # Loading models
    parser.AddModelsFromString(table_sdf, "sdf")

    # Adding some objects in scene
    num_of_parts = 3
    objects_instance = []
    for i in range(num_of_parts):

    table_frame = plant.GetFrameByName("table_center")
    plant.WeldFrames(plant.world_frame(), table_frame)

    # Finalize the plant after loading the scene.

    # We use the default context to calculate the transformation of the table
    # in world frame but this is NOT the context the Diagram consumes.
    plant_context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()

    # Define the orientaion of added objects
    objects = []
    X_TablePart = []
    X_WorldPart = []
    for i in range(num_of_parts):
        objects.append(plant.GetBodyByName("base_link_soup", model_instance=objects_instance[i]))
        X_WorldTable = table_frame.CalcPoseInWorld(plant_context)
            RollPitchYaw(np.asarray([random.uniform(0,180), random.uniform(0,180), random.uniform(0,180)]) * np.pi / 180),
            p=[random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2), random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2), 0.3+random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05)]))
        plant.SetDefaultFreeBodyPose(objects[i], X_WorldPart[i])

    # Add visualization to see the geometries.
    AddDefaultVisualization(builder=builder, meshcat=meshcat)
    diagram = builder.Build()

    return diagram

def initialize_simulation(diagram):
    simulator = Simulator(diagram)
    return simulator

def run_simulation(sim_time_step, sim_time):
    diagram = create_scene(sim_time_step)
    simulator = initialize_simulation(diagram)


meshcat = StartMeshcat()
# Run the simulation with a small time step. Try gradually increasing it!
run_simulation(sim_time_step=0.0001, sim_time=2)
  1. According to first part of "03 - Basic Pick and Place => pick" I was able to get a simulation of periodic movement of the table in a linear direction
def MakeGripperFrames(X_WG):
    Initial_position = RigidTransform([0., 0., 0.])
    Final_position = RigidTransform([0.5, 0., 0.])

    X_WG["one"] = Initial_position
    X_WG["two"] = Final_position
    X_WG["three"] = Initial_position
    X_WG["four"] = Final_position
    X_WG["five"] = Initial_position

    # Now let's set the timing
    times = {"zero": 0}
    times["one"] = times["zero"] + 2 * 2
    times["two"] = times["zero"] + 2 * 3
    times["three"] = times["zero"] + 2 * 4
    times["four"] = times["zero"] + 2 * 5
    times["five"] = times["zero"] + 2 * 6

    return X_WG, times

def MakeGripperPoseTrajectory(X_G, times):
    Constructs a gripper position trajectory from the plan "sketch".
    sample_times = []
    poses = []
    for name in [
        sample_times.append(times[name])  # вывести их через принт

    return PiecewisePose.MakeLinear(sample_times, poses)

class GripperTrajectoriesToPosition(LeafSystem):
    def __init__(self, plant, traj_p_G, traj_R_G):
        self.plant = plant
        self.plant_context = plant.CreateDefaultContext()
        self.table_body = plant.GetBodyByName("table_link")
        self.traj_p_G = traj_p_G
        self.traj_R_G = traj_R_G
        self.W = plant.world_frame()

            "position", plant.num_positions(), self.CalcPositionOutput

    def CalcPositionOutput(self, context, output):
        t = context.get_time()
        X_G = RigidTransform(
            Quaternion(self.traj_R_G.value(t)), self.traj_p_G.value(t)
        self.plant.SetFreeBodyPose(self.plant_context, self.table_body, X_G)

def visualize_pick_and_place_trajectory(traj_p_G, traj_R_G):
    builder = DiagramBuilder()

    # Note: Don't use AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph because we are only using
    # MultibodyPlant for parsing, then wiring directly to SceneGraph.
    scene_graph = builder.AddSystem(SceneGraph())
    plant = MultibodyPlant(time_step=0.0001)
    parser = Parser(plant, scene_graph)
    object_1 = parser.AddModelsFromString(table_sdf, "sdf")[0]


    to_pose = builder.AddSystem(MultibodyPositionToGeometryPose(plant))

    traj_to_position = builder.AddSystem(
            plant, traj_p_G, traj_R_G
        traj_to_position.get_output_port(), to_pose.get_input_port()

    MeshcatVisualizer.AddToBuilder(builder, scene_graph, meshcat)
    diagram = builder.Build()

    simulator = Simulator(diagram)
# Start the visualizer.
meshcat = StartMeshcat()
X_G = {
    "zero": RigidTransform([0, 0, 0.])

X_G, times = MakeGripperFrames(X_G)
traj_X_G = MakeGripperPoseTrajectory(X_G, times)
traj_p_G = traj_X_G.get_position_trajectory()   
traj_R_G = traj_X_G.get_orientation_trajectory()
visualize_pick_and_place_trajectory(traj_p_G, traj_R_G)

And I don't understand how to combine these two solutions together.

If it's possible, could you get some advices about consctruct this system in Drake? I tried to add some block of codes in first solution and vice versa - it didn't work.

My full code here in two notebooks (DeepNote):DeepNote-project


  • @Russ Tedrake, thank you for your answers and I solved my task with your help and added some ideas else. I would like to write here these ideas and I hope this helps someone else in the future. Perhaps I used some tools differently than how it was originally intended in Drake, I will be glad to know how to do it correctly!

    First, my goal was to get a model containing:

    • mechanism with actuated joints the desired position of which could vary over time. (for example: 0 deg in 1 sec, 45 deg in 2 sec, 0 deg in 3 sec and ...)
    • floating body, which falling down from required position.

    As a mechanism with several degrees of freedom, I took a double pendulum (DP), and as a free object, a can of soup from YCB-library.


    dp_sdf = """<?xml version='1.0' ?>
    <sdf version='1.6'>
      <model name='double_pendulum_with_base'>
        <link name='base'>
          <visual name='vis_plate_on_ground'>
            <pose>0 0 0.01 0 0 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_pole'>
            <pose>-0.275 0 1.1 0 0 0</pose>
                <size>0.2 0.2 2.2</size>
          <collision name='col_plate_on_ground'>
            <pose>0 0 0.01 0 0 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_pole'>
            <pose>-0.275 0 1.1 0 0 0</pose>
                <size>0.2 0.2 2.2</size>
        <!-- upper link, length 1, angle -90 degrees -->
        <link name='upper_link'>
          <pose>0 0 2.1 0 0 0</pose>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_upper_joint'>
            <pose>-0.05 0 0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_lower_joint'>
            <pose>0 0 1.0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_cylinder'>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_upper_joint'>
            <pose>-0.05 0 0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_lower_joint'>
            <pose>0 0 1.0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_cylinder'>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
        <!-- lower link, length 1, angle ~-120 degrees more -->
        <link name='lower_link'>
          <pose>0.25 0.0 3.1 0 0 0</pose>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_lower_joint'>
            <pose>0 0 0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <visual name='vis_cylinder'>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_lower_joint'>
            <pose>0 0 0 0 1.5708 0</pose>
          <collision name='col_cylinder'>
            <pose>0 0 0.5 0 0 0</pose>
        <!-- pin joint for upper link, at origin of upper link -->
        <joint name='upper_joint' type='revolute'>
            <xyz>1.0 0 0</xyz>
        <!-- pin joint for lower link, at origin of child link -->
        <joint name='lower_joint' type='revolute'>
            <xyz>1.0 0 0</xyz>
        <frame name="dp_base">
          <pose relative_to="base">0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>


    1. For convenience, let's define a few variables:
    sim_step = 0.0001 # Simulation step
    sim_time = 10 # Simulation time
    num_of_actuated_joints = 2 # Number of actuated joints
    num_of_objects = 2 # Number of free objects
    1. Set the required joint positions:
    def MakeTrajectory(joint_name):
     # There are only two desired positions for every joints becauce I'd like to get periodic motion
        if joint_name == "lower_joint":
            first_pos = np.array([0])    # This corresponds to 0 deg
            second_pos = np.array([0.7]) # This corresponds to ~40 deg (given in radians)
        elif joint_name == "upper_joint":
            first_pos = np.array([0])
            second_pos = np.array([1.4])
            first_pos = np.array([0])
            second_pos = np.array([0])
        times = np.array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]) # Timestamps for positions
        # Set the desired positions/trajectory through special class by defining two first points of trajectory
        traj_command = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold(
            [times[0], times[1]],
            np.hstack([[first_pos], [first_pos]]),
        # Add additional positions
        traj_command.AppendFirstOrderSegment(times[2], second_pos)
        traj_command.AppendFirstOrderSegment(times[3], first_pos)
        traj_command.AppendFirstOrderSegment(times[4], second_pos)
        traj_command.AppendFirstOrderSegment(times[5], first_pos)
        return traj_command
    # Getting desired trajectories for all of two joints of DP
    traj_JT1_command = MakeTrajectory(joint_name="lower_joint")
    traj_JT2_command = MakeTrajectory(joint_name="upper_joint")
    1. Сreate a system which will act as a source of the required position for joints at points in time.
    class TrajectoriesToPosition(LeafSystem):
        def __init__(self, traj_JT1, traj_JT2):
            self.traj_JT1_command = traj_JT1
            self.traj_JT2_command = traj_JT2
            # Becauce this system is source, we need to define output port, whose output positions 
            # will be desired positions for joints.
            # The size of port are joints*2 because I use PID controller (it has position and velocity for each input)
            # But I set here only positions
                "joint_angles", num_of_actuated_joints*2, self.CalcPositionOutput
        def CalcPositionOutput(self, context, output):
            t = context.get_time()
            JT1 = self.traj_JT1_command.value(t)[0, 0]
            JT2 = self.traj_JT2_command.value(t)[0, 0]
            output.SetFromVector(np.array([JT1, JT2, 0, 0]))
    1. Main program
    meshcat = StartMeshcat() # Creating visualiser
    # Define the coefficients of PID controller
    Kp = np.ones(num_of_actuated_joints) * 4000.0
    Ki = np.ones(num_of_actuated_joints) * 1
    Kd = np.ones(num_of_actuated_joints) * 400
    builder = DiagramBuilder()
    # Scene graph determines the position of bodies relative to each other
    scene_graph = builder.AddSystem(SceneGraph())
    # As I understand, Multibody plant is a physics engine of drake-simulator
    dp = builder.AddSystem(MultibodyPlant(sim_step))
    parser = Parser(dp)
    # Add double pendulum in scene
    dp_model_instance_index = parser.AddModelsFromString(dp_sdf, "sdf")[0]
    # Adding some objects in scene
    parser.SetAutoRenaming(True) # This need because I add some identical objects in scene
    objects_instance = []
    objects_name = []
    objects_pose = []
    for i in range(num_of_objects):
                dp.GetBodyByName("base_link_soup", objects_instance[i]
        # Define the positions of objects above. I decided to use random  for this goal
                        [random.uniform(0,180), random.uniform(0,180), random.uniform(0,180)]) * np.pi / 180),
                p=[random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2), random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2), 0.3+random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05)])
    # This frame is double-pendulum static base and this frame is defined in sdf-decription of DP above
    root_frame = dp.GetFrameByName("base")
    # Determining the position of the fixed base of the DP relative to the world coordinate system
    X_0 = RigidTransform(
                    np.array([0, 0, 0]) * np.pi / 180),
                        p=[[0], [0], [0]]
    # Add a frame that will be associated with the world coordinate system, but will be of type FixedOffsetFrame
    # I tried to weld DP base and dp.world_frame() directly, but it didn't work
    world_frame_joint = dp.AddFrame(
                "world_joint_frame", dp.world_frame(),
    # Weld the DP base to the world coordinate system.
    # Add actuators to joints
    # Interesting points: if firstly define actuator for lower_joint in didn't work. Why??
    dp.AddJointActuator("JT2", dp.GetJointByName("upper_joint"))
    dp.AddJointActuator("JT1", dp.GetJointByName("lower_joint"))
    # Because all of objects and joints are added, we can finalize phycics engine.
    # Add PID controller for 2 joints
    # 11 port (double_pendulum_with_base_state - port) - because if I connect dp.get_state_output_port it didn't work: 
    # controller input port size is 4 (q1_pos, q2_pos, q1_vel, q2_vel),
    # but size of dp.get_state_output_port is 4 + 7 * number of free object (7 = 3 (XYZ) + 4 (quaternion))
    # Question: Is it possible to pass the port incompletely to the PID without states of free objects?
    pid = builder.AddSystem(PidController(Kp, Ki, Kd))
    # Add system as source of desired position
    desired_base_source = builder.AddSystem(
            traj_JT1=traj_JT1_command, traj_JT2=traj_JT2_command
    # Everything seems clear here
    # If interesting why we connect these ports below I reccomend 
    # to read about the interatcion of scene graph and multibody plant
        dp.get_geometry_poses_output_port(), scene_graph.get_source_pose_port(dp.get_source_id())
        scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), dp.get_geometry_query_input_port()
    # Set initial positions of free objects added above
    for i in range(num_of_objects):
        dp.SetDefaultFreeBodyPose(objects_name[i], objects_pose[i])
    MeshcatVisualizer.AddToBuilder(builder, scene_graph, meshcat)
    diagram = builder.Build()
    simulator = Simulator(diagram)
    # Creating and getting context to set the initial positions of actuated joints
    diagram_context = diagram.CreateDefaultContext()
    dp_context = dp.GetMyContextFromRoot(simulator.get_mutable_context())
    positions = np.ndarray(num_of_actuated_joints)
    positions[0] = 0 * np.pi/180
    positions[1] = 0 * np.pi/180
    dp.SetPositions(dp_context, dp_model_instance_index, positions)
    1. Visualising full diagram

    PS: This code is not entirely clean and of course there is something to improve and optimize. I will be glad to receive any comments and suggestions for improvement!