I try to study escape sequence so I am testing \n
, \r
, \t
and I thought \r
makes the cursor move to the beginning of the line.
I want to print:
\r wokring \t working \n working
so I enter this code in visual studio 2022
#include <iostream>
int main(void)
std::cout << "hello \n \\n working \r \\r working \t \\t working" << std::endl;
return 0;
but it prints:
\r_working \t working
and a web compiler prints:
\n working \r working \t working
Why does this happen? Is there something I mistake about this?
is the carriage return (aka CR).\n
is the new line character (aka LF / Line feed).\r\n
(aka CRLF, that you can find e.g. in VBA through the vbCRLF
constant).That has historically always been a little bit of a mess as explained there.
We can work out your string to figure out what is going on:
hello \n \\n working \r \\r working \t \\t working
is written, then it goes to the next line.\n working
is written, then it goes back to the start of the line.\r working
, then a tab
, then \t working
is written, but all of that overwrites \n working
(since the cursor went back to the start of the same line).I suspect your web compiler does not run on Windows (probably some Linux distribution), hence the different result.