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Query Wikidata to get all properties that are subclasses of entity (all types of images associated with an entity)

My goal is to get all images related to a wikidata entity. I can get the image property (of e.g. the statue of liberty) with the following query:

    wd:Q9202 wdt:P18 ?image.

This gets me the associated image but there are many types of image properties (P14, P15, P18, P41,...). They are all types of "Wikidata property for linking to a representative image (Q26940804)".

Is there an elegant way to get all properties that are subclasses of Q26940804 (getting all images)?


  • Truthy predicates, which start with wdt:P, are connected to wd:Q26940804 not directly, but through their prototypic properties, which start with wd:P.

    SELECT ?predicate ?propertyLabel ?image WHERE
        wd:Q9202 ?predicate ?image .
        ?property wikibase:directClaim ?predicate .
        ?property wdt:P31 wd:Q26940804
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }

    Try it!

    More info:

    Also, those wd:P18 etc. are instances of wd:Q26940804, not subclasses.