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Jena-Fuseki: Set per-query execution context

Using Jena-Fuseki v-5.1.0: I want to set the execution context of a query, but don't know how to do it. I need to set QuerySendMode to asPostForm.

Following this url guidelines, I've created a PREFIX arq (PREFIX arq:, but I'm stuck. I've tried to do the following code, but it doesn't return anything.

SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?x arq:httpServiceSendMode 'asPostForm' }

Any ideas?

P.S.: I need to set QuerySendMode to asPostForm, because when doing a sparql federated query to nobelprize, it returns a text instead of the results and I'm thinking that it is because the endpoint returns a form ( see this question


  • The endpoint for nobelprize accepts GET.

    curl --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 1' '' works

    If you want to change the mode, that is done as a server configuration setting.

    Set arq:httpServiceSendMode to asPostForm.

    This is set by:

    • Command line starting the server: --set
    • Configuration file on the server or endpoint or (local) dataset.