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Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Variable is not allowed in a constant clause

This the result of my attempt to fill empty "published at" dates with "creation" dates.

Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Variable 'entity' is not allowed in a constant clause

SPARQL query:
define sql:big-data-const 0
define sql:signal-void-variables 1

  GRAPH <> {
    ?entity <> ?created
    WHERE {
      SELECT ?entity ?created WHERE {
        GRAPH <> {
            ?entity <> ?created .
            OPTIONAL { ?s <> ?published . }

What is wrong here? What does the mentioned constant clause? How to fix this?


I can have a similar error with a simpler query, like this:

Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: Variable 'o' is not allowed in a constant clause

SPARQL query:
define sql:big-data-const 0
define sql:signal-void-variables 1

  GRAPH <> {
    <> <> ?o

EDIT 2: The DELETE query works well like this:

  GRAPH <> {
    <> <> ?o


  • This SPARQL Update query is invalid. The INSERT DATA operation doesn’t allow variables, WHERE, FILTER etc. You need to use the INSERT operation, which has a WHERE clause:

    INSERT {
      # you can refer to the variables from the WHERE clause here
    WHERE {
      # you can create variables here

    Your WHERE clause itself also has an issue: ?entity contains all instances that have a dcterms:issued value. ?s contains all instances (instead of just the instances in ?entity) that don’t have a :published-at value. So, you probably want to use the variable ?entity instead of ?s.

    Something like this might work for you:

    PREFIX dcterms: <>
    PREFIX : <>
    WITH <> 
    # only use WITH to query and write to the same graph
    # if you don’t want that, you can include 'GRAPH' patterns in the 'INSERT' and in the 'WHERE' instead
    INSERT {
      ?entity :published-at ?created .
    WHERE {
      ?entity dcterms:issued ?created .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?entity :published-at [] . }