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Does it matter if I omit the 'val' keyword when adding a parameter/property to an enum class, doesn't seem to make any difference to the enum entries

When creating an enum class I am unsure what the difference is between adding adding val to a parameter and not. When providing arguments for said parameter for each enum entry there seems to be no difference. Hopefully someone can explain.

This is without 'val'


This is with 'val



I have tried looking everywhere, the only difference it seems is that one is a parameter and one is a property but i dont really understand the difference. I am still fairly new to kotlin/android studio.


  • if you don't add val you can't access it later, it won't be a property of the class, it would be just an argument that you have passed to the constructor and it would be pointless in an enum

    enum class ScreenSize(width: Int, height: Int) { // not declared as val
        Big(1000, 1600),
        Medium(700, 1000),
        Small(500, 700)
    fun drawScreen(screenSize: ScreenSize) {
        //Compile error
            width = screenSize.width,
            height = screenSize.height,
    fun drawRect(width: Int, height: Int) {