I made a standard stopwatch app in Android Studio using jetpack compose. It gives the user the ability to reset the stopwatch back to zero, however there is a problem. The stopwatch will reset back to zero but then immediately increment by one.
Here is the code.
There is a variable to hold the time called "time". There is a variable to determine if the timer is running called "isTimerRunning". There is a function that starts the timer using a while loop inside of a coroutine scope called "startTimer". There is a function the stops the timer and resets it back to zero called "resetTimer". There is a Text composable that displays the time. There are two buttons, one starts the timer, the other resets it.
// Time Variable
var time by remember { mutableIntStateOf(0) }
// Is Timer Running Variable
var isTimerRunning by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
// Start Timer Function
fun startTimer() {
isTimerRunning = true
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
while (isTimerRunning) {
time += 1
// Reset Timer Function
fun resetTimer() {
isTimerRunning = false
time = 0
// App Layout
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
modifier = Modifier
) {
// Display Timer
Text(text = time.toString())
// Start Timer Button
Button(onClick = { startTimer() }) {
Text(text = "Start")
// Reset Timer Button
Button(onClick = { resetTimer() }) {
Text(text = "Reset")
As I stated above, the timer increments by one after resetting to zero. I tried putting a coroutine inside the "resetTimer" function and putting a delay of thirty milliseconds between the two variables like this
fun resetTimer() {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
isTimerRunning = false
time = 0
but the problem still persists.
stops the timer by setting isTimerRunning = false
. The timer mostly just waits at delay(1000)
, so when you set isTimerRunning = false
it will probably be doing just that in the moment. After the dealy is finished timer
is incremented by one (the unwanted behavior you observed) and only then tests in the while loop if isTimerRunning
is still true. It isn't, so the loop is ended and the coroutine finshes - but the timer is already 1, not 0.
You could fix that by changing your coroutine to this:
while (isTimerRunning) {
time += 1
Now the next thing that happens when delay
is done is to verify if isTimerRunning
is true, not incrementing the timer.
While this will work most of the time, this actually is a race condition since you have two separate threads involved that access the same, mutable state: It could happen that the coroutine has already checked that isTimerRunning
is true, then resetTimer
sets isTimerRunning = false
and time
to 0, and then the coroutine sets time += 1
, resulting in the reset timer being 1
Even worse, the last statement is actually two different statements:
time = time + 1
The first is reading time
and incrementing it by 1, the second is setting the result of that calculation to time
. Now imagine if in between these two the other thread running resetTimer
resets time
to 0. Let's assume time was 10
before, and let the two threads involved be named Main and IO, then the following happens:
and increments it by one, making it 11
. That is only the result of the calculation and not yet written back to the time
to 0
which is now 11
.The timer is stopped now, but instead of being reset to 0
it will be 11
This is a common problem in a multithreading environment when accessing Shared mutable state. In your specific case it can easily be remedied by letting the coroutine run in the UI thread as well, just don't use Dispatchers.IO
. That will guarantee that only one block of code can be run at a time and nothing can interfere while your coroutine is not currently waiting for delay
Actually, you shouldn't use CoroutineScope
in the first place because it creates an unmanaged, dangling coroutine scope that cannot be cancelled. When in composable code you can retrieve a scope by calling rememberCoroutineScope()
, in the view model you should use viewModelScope
One problem using the apporach of actively increasing the time
counter is that your clock will slowly drift from the real time that elapsed because you do not just increase the counter exactly every 1000 milliseconds, it will always be a bit more. See the first two points I made in https://stackoverflow.com/a/78742092/6216216 for a thorough explanation why that is.
If you do not need your stop watch to be accurate then that won't be a problem, otherwise you will need to change your approach by only saving the time when the stop watch was started, as also explained (and elaborated) in the linked answer above.