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Spring Boot won't pickup in custom class loader environment

I am currently working on a project which includes running Spring Boot within a Minecraft Spigot / Paper plugin.

My project is setup to run a custom Framework that I built on plugin initialization:

// MyPlugin class

override fun onEnable() {, name)

My framework is responsible for initializing the Spring application, which works fine...
Dependency injection and any other part of Spring itself works without problems, but one thing bothers me.

I can't get the file to work with Spring Boot.

Spring seems to just ignore my properties file and any other external configuration file, when declared in my Minecraft plugin....

I have tried multiple things already:

  • Custom resource loader when building the Spring Application using SpringApplicationBuilder

  • Setting the properties file location using spring.config.location when building the application using SpringApplicationBuilder

  • Adding @PropertySources to the main class of my Spring Application

  • Manually adding the file to the output JAR ROOT before running

I have made sure that the configuration file is correctly placed in the ROOT directory of my plugin.

The file is also found by the application proven by the following test:

public static void checkPropertiesFile() {
    ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    URL resource = classLoader.getResource("");
    if (resource != null) {
        System.out.println("Found at " + resource.getPath());
    } else {
        System.out.println(" not found in classpath.");

This is the code snippet relevant to running the spring application:

public static void run(Class<?> plugin, String pluginName) {
    final ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = plugin.getClassLoader();

    // needed or else spring startup fails

    final ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(pluginClassLoader);
    final SpringApplicationBuilder builder = new SpringApplicationBuilder();
    // auto generated "main spring class"
    // needed since when using the actual plugin main class, spring tries to instantiate a new instance of our plugin class, which fails
    final Class<?> pluginConfiguration = Class.forName(plugin.getPackageName() + ".PluginConfiguration");
    final Class<?>[] sources = {pluginConfiguration, SpigotConfiguration.class, BungeecordConfiguration.class};

    context = builder.sources(sources)
            .initializers(applicationContext -> {
            .properties("" + pluginName)
            .properties("plugin.main=" + plugin.getName())

I am really lost here, you guys are my last hope, I am slowly losing my mind


  • I have found a way to kind of resolve my issue.

    When telling Spring to use „StandardEnvironment“ while building, Spring picks up any System Property set before starting:

    builder.initializers(applicationContext -> {
        applicationContext.setEnvironment(new StandardEnvironment());

    Now I can use @mlecz s suggestion (Loading the with a Properties Object and iterating over every key-value pair, then setting a System Property for every pair).

    This is a workaround and not directly the functionality I was hoping for, but it works.

    Here’s the edited code snippet for anyone having similar issues with implementing Spring in such an environment:

    public static void run(Class<?> plugin, String pluginName) {
        final ClassLoader pluginClassLoader = plugin.getClassLoader();
        // needed or else spring startup fails
        final ResourceLoader loader = new DefaultResourceLoader(pluginClassLoader);
        final SpringApplicationBuilder builder = new SpringApplicationBuilder();
        final Class<?> pluginConfiguration = Class.forName(plugin.getPackageName() + ".PluginConfiguration");
        final Class<?>[] sources = {pluginConfiguration, SpigotConfiguration.class, BungeecordConfiguration.class};
        System.setProperty("", pluginName);
        System.setProperty("plugin.main", plugin.getName());
        try {
            final Properties properties = new Properties();
            properties.forEach((key, value) -> {
                System.setProperty(key.toString(), value.toString());
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}
        context = builder.sources(sources)
                .initializers(applicationContext -> {
                    // this somehow enables spring to pickup the system properties    
                    applicationContext.setEnvironment(new StandardEnvironment());

    With this implementation I was able to set my active profile with the „“ which is located in the ROOT of my built JAR