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How to unlock userLocks in EA repository

Currently we have a big number of userLocks in EA repository, which Im not able to unlock as administrator (with right "Security - Manage Locks"). Users who locked pakcages and elements do not working in company anymore.

Locks are available in t_seclocks and when I go to element and click on "Lock..." than I see "The selected element is user locked by person XY...". When I open GUI "Manage Locks" there are no userLocks available. When I try to use some standardized methods like .ReleaseUserLock() in script, it is not working as well.

I have tried to described problem here, but here I have problem a bit simplified and it is possibility a upload screen as well... [Manage Locks]


  • First thing to try is to run a project integrity check. enter image description here

    If that doesn't help you can delete the locks from the database using a script

    Repository.Execute "delete from t_seclocks where userID = '<GUID of deleted user>'"

    Disclaimer: Repository.Execute is an undocumented and unsupported method. If you screw up your database you are completely on your own. Make sure to make a backup before trying anything.