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How to properly place Hyperlinks in generated document using a custom script?

I'm trying to put an hyperlink in a generated document using a custom script, because the link needs to be fetched by the script.

I'm generating the XML in the custom script like follows:

var thegeneratedURL = ""
var thelinktext = "test"
var xmlCommitID = xmlDOM.createElement("CommitID-Hyperlink");
var commitIdLink = xmlDOM.createElement("a");
commitIdLink.setAttribute("href", thegeneratedURL);
var commitIdText = xmlDOM.createTextNode(thelinktext);

return xmlDOM.xml; 

Then I'm calling the script in the respective fragment enter image description here

...and inserting the custom field

enter image description here

However, when I generate the document the link text is fine but the URL is not:

enter image description here

Anybody knows what I'm missing?

Thank you!!


  • This is the code I use, to link directly to diagram url's on a html export of an EA-Model

    function getRTFData(diagram, baseUrl)
        dim diagramUrl
        diagramUrl = getDiagramLink(diagram, baseUrl)
        dim xmlDOM 
        set  xmlDOM = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" )
        'set  xmlDOM = CreateObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" )
        xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false
        xmlDOM.async = false
        dim node 
        set node = xmlDOM.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version='1.0'")
        xmlDOM.appendChild node
        dim xmlRoot 
        set xmlRoot = xmlDOM.createElement( "EADATA" )
        xmlDOM.appendChild xmlRoot
        dim xmlDataSet
        set xmlDataSet = xmlDOM.createElement( "Dataset_0" )
        xmlRoot.appendChild xmlDataSet
        dim xmlData 
        set xmlData = xmlDOM.createElement( "Data" )
        xmlDataSet.appendChild xmlData
        dim xmlRow
        set xmlRow = xmlDOM.createElement( "Row" )
        xmlData.appendChild xmlRow
        dim formattedAttr 
        set formattedAttr = xmlDOM.createAttribute("formatted")
        dim xmldiagramLink
        set xmldiagramLink = xmlDOM.createElement( "DiagramLink" )  
        xmldiagramLink.text = "<a href=""$inet://" & diagramUrl &"""><font color=""#0000ff""><u>" & diagram.Name & "</u></font></a>"
        xmlRow.appendChild xmldiagramLink
        getRTFData = xmlDOM.xml
    end function
    function getDiagramLink(diagram, baseUrl)
        dim link
        link = baseUrl & "/?guid="
        'get diagram GUID
        link = link & diagram.DiagramGUID
        'remove braces
        link = replace(link, "{","")
        link = replace(link, "}","")
        getDiagramLink = link
    end function
    function getObjectDiagramLink(objectID, baseUrl)
        dim element
        set element = Repository.GetElementByID(objectID)
        'get diagram
        dim diagram 
        set diagram = getFirstDiagram(element)
        'get the xml data
        getObjectDiagramLink = getRTFData(diagram, baseUrl)
    end function
    function getFirstDiagram(diagramOwner)
        set getFirstDiagram = nothing 'initialize
        'get first diagram
        dim diagram as EA.Diagram
        for each diagram in diagramOwner.Diagrams
            set getFirstDiagram = diagram
            exit function
    end function

    This code is used in a script fragment like this:

    getObjectDiagramLink(#OBJECTID#, "")

    It generates a link like the following:

    with the name of the diagram being displayed.

    enter image description here