Does anyone know of an example of how to create a categorical heat map with individual sparklines within each cell? Or have a suggestion on how to use matplotlib's annotation to produce this (or something similar)?
Essentially turning this: Matplotlib heatmap annotation
into this: Heatmap with sparkline
Assuming such a format as input (an arbitrary number of rows for each combination of row/col) and that we want to plot a heatmap with the average value
per row
, and a small line for each row
combination with the consecutive values:
row col value
0 A a -2.911793
1 A a -3.066935
2 A a -0.940881
3 A a 1.838795
4 A a 2.359492
.. .. .. ...
595 E f -3.233857
596 E f -4.348279
597 E f -4.236598
598 E f -4.697110
599 E f -3.618638
[600 rows x 3 columns]
You could plot a heatmap using sns.heatmap
on the reshaped data (with pivot_table
, here using the mean of the data per group), then rework the data to plot a line on top of it:
import seaborn as sns
ax = sns.heatmap(df.pivot_table(index='row', columns='col',
values='value', aggfunc='mean'))
margin = 0.1
def norm(s, margin=0):
'''Normalizes the input Series between 0+margin and 1-margin'''
MIN = s.min()
return (s-MIN)/(s.max()-MIN)*(1-2*margin)+margin
tmp = (df
.sort_values(by=['row', 'col']) # ensure data is sorted
# compute index/col position per group to match the heatmap
.assign(row_id=lambda d: pd.factorize(d['row'])[0],
col_id=lambda d: pd.factorize(d['col'])[0],
# deduplicate the data to form a x-value and shift per col
x=lambda d: (x:=d.groupby(['row_id', 'col_id']
# normalize the data and shift per row
norm_value=lambda d: (norm(d['value'], margin=0.1).rsub(1)
+ d['row_id']
tmp.plot(x='x', y='norm_value', ax=ax, legend=False)
Example output:
Reproducible input:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase
R, C, N = 5, 6, 20
a = np.arange(R*C*N)
df = (pd.DataFrame({'row': np.array(list(ascii_uppercase))[a//(C*N)],
'col': np.array(list(ascii_lowercase))[a%(C*N)//N],
'value': 10*np.sin(a/N*5)+np.random.normal(scale=2, size=R*C*N),
.assign(value=lambda d: d.groupby(['row', 'col'])['value']
.transform(lambda s: s*np.random.uniform(0.1, 1)+np.random.uniform(-10, 10)))
Alternative output when .sample(frac=0.7).sort_index()
is uncommented (to simulate uneven groups):