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Skipping tests in some modules in Maven

I would like my Maven builds to run most unit tests. But there are unit tests in one project which are slower and I'd like to generally exclude them; and occasionally turn them on.

Question: How do I do this?

I know about -Dmaven.test.skip=true, but that turns off all unit tests.

I also know about skipping integration tests, described here. But I do not have integration tests, just unit tests, and I don't have any explicit calls to the maven-surefire-plugin. (I am using Maven 2 with the Eclipse-Maven plugin).


  • What about skipping tests only in this module ?

    In the pom.xml of this module:


    Eventually, you can create a profile that will disable the tests (still the pom.xml of the module) :


    With the latter solution, if you run mvn clean package, it will run all tests. If you run mvn clean package -DnoTest=true, it will not run the tests for this module.