I'm trying to utilize the @metaplex-foundation/umi library and came across an issue when setting up the context and invoking the createMetadataAccountV3 function:
const umi = require('@metaplex-foundation/umi');
let myContext = umi.createNullContext();
let myTransaction = metaPlex.createMetadataAccountV3(
While attempting the above, I consistently receive the following error:
InterfaceImplementationMissingError: Tried using ProgramRepositoryInterface but no implementation of that interface was found. Make sure an implementation is registered, e.g. via "context.programs = new MyProgramRepository();".
The SDK documentation suggests using:
context.programs = new MyProgramRepository();
However, it's not entirely clear to me how to properly implement this. Could anyone provide guidance on how to correctly populate myContext and address this error?
I found the answer under umi docs.
Not a fan of umi....but it is what it is.
const myUmi= require('@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults');
const umi = myUMI.createUmi('https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com');
let CreateMetadataAccountV3Args = {
metadata: metadataAccount,
mint: polaris_exp_mintKeypair.publicKey,
mintAuthority: pdaPublicKey,
payer: feePayerAccount.publicKey,
updateAuthority: pdaPublicKey,
// & instruction data
data: {
name: "myname",
symbol: "exp",
uri: "example_uri.com",
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 0,
creators: null,
collection: null,
uses: null
isMutable: true,
collectionDetails: null,
const umi = myUMI.createUmi('https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com');
let myTransaction = metaPlex.createMetadataAccountV3(