I'm hosting a web made on Flutter on GitHub pages and I'm using Dart-JS interop for connecting a Solana wallet. When I test locally I can connect to it and works fine but once I host the web on GitHub Pages I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: p.isPhantomInstalled is not a function
This is my Dart code:
class ClientWallet {
external Future<void> connect();
external void disconnect();
external String get address;
external Future<void> signTransaction();
external bool isPhantomInstalled();
class WalletController extends GetxController {
Future<void> connectWallet(context) async {
ClientWallet wallet = ClientWallet();
if (wallet.isPhantomInstalled()) {
await promiseToFuture(wallet.connect());
createSnackbar('success', 'Wallet Connected');
} else {
createSnackbar('error', 'No Phantom wallet detected');
This is my JS code:
class ClientWallet {
constructor() {
this.address = '';
async connect() {
const resp = await window.solana.connect();
this.address = resp.publicKey.toString();
address() {
return this.address;
isPhantomInstalled() {
return window.solana && window.solana.isPhantom;
disconnect() {
var walletModule = { ClientWallet: ClientWallet };
It seems that when hosted, the app doesn't recognize the external functions? I have no clue why or how to solve it.
After reading your original post on connecting a Phantom wallet with Flutter, I decided to try it out myself, and I eventually ran into the same issue as you, down the to exact function call!
The solution (workaround) for me was to use standalone functions instead of methods.
I do not know why, but for some reason the Dart-JS interop stopped working on class instances after flutter build web
. My minified JS code with class instances played nice with flutter run -d chrome
This is the phantom.ts
I got working.
const solanaWeb3 = require('@solana/web3.js');
export async function connect(): solanaWeb3.PublicKey {
const resp = await window.solana.connect();
return new solanaWeb3.PublicKey(resp.publicKey.toString());
export function disconnect() {
export function isPhantomInstalled(): bool {
return window.solana && window.solana.isPhantom;
export async function signTransaction(tx: solanaWeb3.Transaction): solanaWeb3.Transaction {
return await window.solana.signTransaction(tx);
Then Dart-side, the interop is the same, just no class definition. I'm going to write a Medium post / release a GitHub repo with an example soon.