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WebSphere Application Server 8 Enhanced EAR shared library bug?

I have posted this question on the IBM forums but just in case no answer comes from there I thought I would try my luck here.

I have just upgraded my version of WebSphere Application Server for Developers from to I notice what looks to be a bug in WAS 8. I have an Enhanced EAR, I have a build that creates it. I include a libraries.xml file as well as a deployment.xml in the root of the EAR archive. The application references one shared library. When I deploy the application to WAS 8 the shared library reference does not get configured correctly. When I go into the Admin Console I see that for some reason WAS has surround my library name with quotes. So instead of: Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE

it looks like: "Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE"

I can manually fix this in the Admin Console. This didn't occur in WAS 7 at all so I can only assume it is a bug. I have tested this off Windows XP and AIX and the same behaviour occurs.

Is there an open issue for this? I don't know where I can search / track open issues for WebSphere. If there is a site to search for open issues please can someone forward me the link to that.

Is there a work around to this so that I don't have to manually set the shared library each time I deploy the application?



  • This sounds like a product issue. I would recommend opening a PMR with IBM if possible.

    (I might guess that the issue is the space; perhaps try "Spring-3.0.5.RELEASE" instead?)