In Websphere, on Security settings, I changed the flag "Trim Kerberos realm from principal name"
and now I am trying to log to websphere console, it keeps saying error Invalid user id or password
Check the SystemOut.log file, it shows below error
An unexpected exception occurred when trying to run getUserDN() method : GSSException: Did not find user in userRegistry for userName:
What are different options I can try to login to console successfully?
I am not sure what your security setting are and why the login is failing after enabling the setting. But if you want to get into admin console to fix your security setting, you can disable security as follows temporarily.
To disable security, please perform the following steps via wsadmin:
<WAS_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/> wsadmin -conntype NONE.
wsadmin> securityoff.
wsadmin> exit.
Restart the servers.
Enable the security from administrative console.