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Rapid Application Developer - difference between "Publish" and "Republish"

I am new to working with RAD for Websphere. After making some Java code changes I notice the server and the EAR deployed on it will say something like "Started, Publish". Today I started my server and it says "Started, Republish" (on both the server and EAR). Can someone give me a simple explanation of what is meant by "Publish", "Republish", and any other status(es) I may come across while working on a Java web app with RAD for Websphere? Also, what is the appropriate action to take for each status if I want my Java changes to be picked up? I tried bouncing the server without doing a new build and it doesnt appear to have made any difference.


  • Started is the state in which your server starts deploying applications.

    Publish is the state in which your server publishes a new application that was not already deployed. So, new deployment is Publish

    Republish is the state in which your server already has published the application but there are few changes which need publishing again. So, instead of Publish since application is already deployed, server Republish the application to make sure that changes are published as well.