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How can I make a procedural jump in Unity C#?

I need to make a procedural jump in a board game in Unity C# (I conditionally have many points where the player has to jump from one to the other with different distances) which is called by the script. I cannot do animation because I need to calculate distance.

I've tried to use Vector3.Slerp which is much modified but it does not work like I imagined at all.

Here is modified Slerp

(There I've made another Vector3 because I need another axis in the jump)

Ideas ran out.

Please tell me how can I fix a problem in the script above or how I can do procedural jump else. Thank you so much.


  • Your index is always ever only to be 0. And the code you do in LateUpdate is fully redundant - simply assign the new position directly to transform.position.

    I think what you are trying to achieve is to move your object smooth through the various positions provided by stand one by one.

    So what you need is

    • store the current target point
    • move smooth towards it
    • when reaching the target point
      • previous target point becomes new start point
      • get next target point

    and do this until you reach the very last one.

    You could e.g. do this in a Coroutine like

    public float moveSpeed;
    public void StartMoveThroughWaypoints(IEnumerable<Vector3> waypoints)
    private IEnumerator MoveThroughWaypoints(IEnumerable<Vector3> waypoints)
        foreach(var waypoint in waypoints)
            while(transform.position != waypoint)
                transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, waypoint, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                yield return null;
            // as the "==" above has only a precision of 1e-5
            // ensure to end with a clean position
            transform.position = waypoint;
            // optional add delay to shortly hold on each waypoint
            //yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
            // or at least for one frame
            yield return null;