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Redshift Stored Procedure to execute multiple statements in a row

I have a SQL script like so:

    SELECT 'drop table if exists '||schemaname||'.'|| tablename || ' cascade;' 
    FROM pg_tables 
    WHERE schemaname in ('schema_1','schema_2','schema_2');

I want to create a stored procedure to execute all the commands this script generates. If you run the script now it gives an output like so:

    drop table if exists schema_1.table_a cascade;
    drop table if exists schema_2.table_b cascade;
    drop table if exists schema_3.table_c cascade;
    drop table if exists schema_1.table_d cascade;

I know you can have loops execute multiple lines one after another but I'm having trouble following the redshift docs to get this work. Any help would be appreciated!


  • I used the following snippet:

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE drop_tables_in_schemas()
    AS $$
        schema_name VARCHAR(255);
        table_name VARCHAR(255);
        drop_statement VARCHAR(1000);
        cur CURSOR FOR
            SELECT schemaname, tablename
            FROM pg_tables
            WHERE schemaname IN ('schema_1', 'schema_2', 'schema_3');
        OPEN cur;
            FETCH cur INTO schema_name, table_name;
            EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND;
            drop_statement := 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' || schema_name || '.' || table_name || ' CASCADE;';
            EXECUTE drop_statement;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE cur;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    CALL drop_tables_in_schemas();